I started thinking the other day about Minis on the Dragon and I remembered that I didn't put my GP MINI pictures up on this web log. These cars are so awesome. The thunder blue color is killer! http://www.gpmini.net/wp/introduction I would love to have one! Hmm...nah I love my car too much...it is all mine....I read all about the GPs in Autoweek before they were shipped to the USA and really wasn't real hip on them via the pictures. Then I saw one...can you say drool? This was my first introduction to the GP. They are very nice. This picture was taken as our pal Mark Vogler organized a GP meet for a short while in front of the adventure center in Fontana Village. He has some other pictures on the net if you want to check them out...http://www.gpmini.net/gallery/Marks15GPs Thanks Mark!
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