You have to understand something about my car. It lives a protective life. I watch the weather constantly and if there is a chance of rain my car stays in the garage. That is the temperature controlled garage. I never let it get dirty and it has only been driven in the rain once when I got caught in the rain at the Dragon run last year. At this point the car even still has the new car smell in it..well this trip I was made fun of for my "pristine MINI." OK by me I like my cars in like new condition baybe. SO I finally named my car. He is now "Mr Clean."
As we finished our day at the Hickory Tavern for some fine British Ale and great food this picture was taken in the parking lot by some MINI paparazzi...Not to matter...I was out in 30 degree weather the next day washing Mr. Clean and detailing the fender wells...All is good...
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