Here is an interior shot per a request from a distant friend. Many folks ask me what the grey anthracite interior looks like so here is a photo to help understand. When I ordered my car there were hardly any cars on the lot so I sort of ordered off what I saw on the MINI web site.
A couple of things to mention for the un-initiated. I have the OEM chrome option. I really like it. I drove a convertible with the chrome and it sold me.
Also I want to mention the coco mats that Santa brought me for Christmas.
http://www.cocomats.com/ I love these retro looking mats. They feel great and are perfect for the MINI. They come from Charlotte, North Carolina so I had them in just a few short days after ordering. The customer service is A-1 and the folks on the phone are great. The fit is as good as
OEM on these mats. They are made just for the car. They are very thick I really like the way they "pop" the interior with the black color and grey dots. Excellent.
Next the OEM cup holder. Perfect for a large Starbucks cup I use on the morning commute to work. I have to have my fresh coffee on my dark commute everyday!
OK I know the steering wheel is upside down. I took this picture in my garage and the wheel was locked. Call me lazy for not straighting it out!
I tripped 2009 miles this morning. The car is somewhat "more loose" than it was brand new but I feel like we have a ways to go to get the real effect of engine break-in. I haven't revved my car very hard. I have pushed a few 4-5000 shifts in the first 3 gears but only after 1,500 miles. No red lines for me baybee...Trust me I want my car to last and I do not want to abuse it. I am averaging 26.6 MPG. EPA highway is 32 so I feel this is a combination of driving with the fun meter on the high side and probably still going through a break-in.
One of the things I really like about this car is the anthracite headliner. I almost didn't order it and saw one at the last minute. The headliner and all the trim is totally black. It really sets off the two sunroofs. I love the way it feels to look through the glass roof surrounded by the dark interior on a sunny day.
Oh yeah there are people who are all the time asking..."What is a Euro-parcel tray?" Well there is one in my car. I bought it before I got the car because BMW USA decided to quit selling them in the US for some DOT reason best I can tell. Whatever the reason it is tough to get one now in the USA but in my humble opinion they are very nice. Notice I have my sun glasses case down there as well as a green mile marker zero can cooler. This car is tight on storage space and that shelf is a real pleasure to have.